a drone that is flying in the sky

Drone Inspections

a drone flying in the air

Our Drone Services

LunsPro was one of the first home inspection and pest services companies in the nation to provide professional drone inspections to its customers. Our team can deploy a high-powered drone during a home inspection to obtain the perfect view of a hard-to-reach roof, for example.

Spectora logo

Spectora Elite Reporting

Same-day digital reports sent to client & agent; Build Repair Request directly in the report.

Live Video & Post-Inspection Photos

Live on-site video and clear post-inspection photos expose roof issues such as leaks, moisture, punctures, blow-offs, tenting, billowing, ponding water, improper repairs, shrinkage, blistering and more.

Wildlife and Pest Evaluations

We can also perform drone inspections during wildlife and pest evaluations to clearly locate entry points and suggest solutions using the high quality photographs and HD video provided by the drone.